Key West - How I Miss Thee
It's snowing in Cleveland today...again. And that always makes me miss Key West, one of my all time favorite places to vacation and visit - but not just because we were married there :) so sit back, grab a Corona or Mojito and enjoy...
Happy Valentine's Day
I celebrate with photos of our Weimaraner, Sasha. She is happy to be anyone's Valentine :)
1/27/10 Baby T - Seven Hills, OH
I had the opportunity to go explore Seven Hills, OH today and photograph little T. She is 10 months old already - and I remember a time not too long ago when her parents told me they were only 'thinking' of trying for baby #1 :) We had a great time, so much in fact that I filled my camera card with almost 650 images of this little cutie-pie. Enjoy a little peek into her world...