Jen Toohey & Nate Lyons

I had been looking forward to second shooting this wedding for such a long time! I was honored to assist Terry Goodman, of Platinum Photography, on this wedding - and it was such a blast. The decor was fabulous, Jen looked GORGE and Nate was having the time of his life. Enjoy a sneak-peak of their big day :)

Ali & Dan - Engagement Pics

I need to start off by saying I LOVE THESE TWO! What a fun couple and so adorably in love. We met on Sunday in Chagrin Falls and I couldn't have been happier - it's my hometown and one of my all-time favorite places to have a photo-shoot. Plus, Ali and her entire family hold a special place in my heart :)

Ali & Dan - hope you enjoy your sneak-peak, there are lots more images to come - these are just a little taste. I am so excited for your 'big day' in June!

Beth & Jared - October 10, 2010
