Photo of the day - Twinks

Who or what is 'Twinks' you may ask? Welp, SHE is my business partner and dear friend. Her real name is Sarah, but to me she is Twinks, Twinkles, Twinkle-toes, etc, etc...yep, we're pretty darn cute, I know :)

With her major experience in interior design/design of events combined with my photography - we thought why not be smart business women (like Romy and Michelle, of course) and make it a real, honest-to-goodness business. So, alas 'Savvy Soirees' was born - the perfect combination of event design & photography!

The official blog is under construction, but once it's launched it is going to be a revelation in the world of events! Stay tuned for world domination...and enjoy Twinks - isn't she just too gorgeous for words? 

Lila & Zoe

What could be better than twin newborns...seriously? Nothing. So, meet Lila and Zoe - the most cuddly, sweet girls :) Congratulations Sara and Josh - I will have the rest of the images to you soon!
