Baby Mason

Last weekend I had the opportunity to photograph this handsome, little guy! Mason is one month old and such a good baby - he just wanted to eat and sleep the whole time :)

Big thanks and congratulations to Steven and Teresa for allowing me to capture their new addition!

Elkin, North Carolina Trip

Fun fact #1: my Mom and my sister share a birthday, January 18th. Fun fact #2: It was the big 6-0 for one of them (I won't say which, I'll leave the math up to you!).

This year, in celebration, the three of us decided to meet for a fun-filled, extended girls weekend in wine country North Carolina. Having been to CA in the past few months, I went into this trip a little skeptical of how the wine would live up; the soil is different, the climate is different, so the chances of this wine being great were slim-to-none in my book.

But to my surprise it totally exceeded every expectation! There are large, estate wineries - that are geared more towards the tourists...and then a few miles down the road you can find a cozy, family-owned winery where you literally walk up the steps and into someones home for the tasting. Honestly, I can't tell you which I enjoyed more because the experiences are too different.

In between visiting a total of 5 wineries last weekend and mucho girl talk; we also ATE a ton of good food (I was introduced to Earthfare vegan chile nuggets, sweet potato enchiladas, and veggie flatbreads from Subway) and played Scrabble until we couldn't keep our eyes open! Yes, J-O-V-I-E is a word! I looked it up in Urban Dictionary.

Overall it was a fabulous weekend; mainly because of spending time and celebrating with the women I love most :)


I met little, sweet Avni and her family at The Old Courthouse in downtown Cleveland a few weekends ago. I have never stepped foot in the courthouse...but once I did, I never wanted to leave! From the gorgeous marble, to the stained is one of the most stunning buildings and I am now dying to shoot a wedding there (hint, hint brides!). And to round out this session perfectly - there was snow on the ground and in the air to give it a great, seasonal feel.
